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PostPosted: Fri 7:28, 11 Oct 2013    Post subject:

The Perfect Punch - Perfecting FormArticle Summary: A martial arts FORM is more than just a series of strikes, kicks and blocks.But just exactly what is it?That is what we discuss in this article.
In our last article we discussed how to perfect a punch by making it "our own".
It is the same with forms. In the beginning we are given some forms to practice. They may be great forms, but they are not OUR louboutin pas cher forms until we make them such.
But first, a word or two about "forms", because they are much misunderstood.
At a very basic level, a form is a series of techniques, consisting of punches, kicks and blocks, put together into a kind of "dance" that makes it easy for the student to remember the various techniques and practise them.
That is fairly straightforward so far, and we have to say that for the overwhelming majority of martial arts students, that is all that a moncler form ever will be - a series of techniques moncler outlet in an easy to remember form.
But forms are more than that.
Take for example tai chi and karate: louboutin they both have their own forms and these forms embody strikes, kicks and evasive manoeuvres and yet the two could not be more different.
Clearly the forms are MORE than just the sum of the parts, that is, they are more than just a series of kicks and punches and blocks.
I'll give you a for example: my teacher told the story of a student who once visited our school and trained for a short while. It was before my time but the teacher said this particular student knew over forty different forms. And he could perform them precisely. He was a real virtuoso, but...said the teacher, all the air jordan forms looked the same. Different moves, yes, but the forms looked the same.
You see…this student had merely learnt a lot of moves. He had not yet learnt any forms.
Each form, if it is true to its tradition, embodies a principle which "drives" the techniques contained within the form. It's there, but it is hollister france highly elusive and it takes many years of training to "in-form" that principle into one's own body, which is when that form becomes one's own.
I remember the first night I attended my teacher's class. By "accident" (if boots ugg pas cher English Po there are any such things!) it was a grading night and abercrombie pas cher Huntsvil all the top students were there and they all performed, amongst other things, the san chen form.
jordan pas cher I was (as much as I hate this term, but it is the only term I can think of) flabbergasted!
It was there, that night. The spirit of san chen. It lancel was with us. I was little more than a raw novice, but I could feel it, see it, and it has never been as strong as louboutin pas cher that night when all the seniors performed it.
That was the last grading my teacher ever held and although it was a number of years before he taught me the actual form, or "moves", I'll never forget that first night because on that night I "understood" the form, even though I did not know the moves.
In conclusion, it's tempting to say that a form is nothing more than a series of techniques but that would be like saying that a great symphony tiffany ou is nothing more than a series of chords - which of course is exactly what it is…until louboutin it is performed, at which point the symphony leaps off the page and takes on a life of its own. I think the same can be said for the great martial art forms, the ones that have not been corrupted: they too take on a life of their own!
When you perform them!
In the next article we will continue our discussion on forms.
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Andrew Toth barbour paris Article Feed :
Andrew Toth is the tiffany author of "Shaolin Temple Kung Fu", arguably the most advanced book on martial arts in the West.A MUST for all martial artistsand a MUST for everyone elseYou can read it at
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PostPosted: Mon 8:42, 07 Oct 2013    Post subject: louboutin pas cher Total les procès de l Erika

Par ailleurs, l'avocat général estime que les conventions internationales sur la responsabilité civile pour les dommages dus à la pollution par les hydrocarbures de 1969 et de 1992 s'appliquent, et qu'elles ne reconnaissent pas le "préjudice écologique" invoqué par les juges fran?ais pour les responsables de la catastrophe à 200 millions de dommages et intérêts aux parties civiles, majoritairement des collectivités territoriales touchées par la marée noire, qui avait souillé 400 kilomètres de c?tes. Le texte du rapporteur [url=]louboutin pas cher[/url] à la chambre criminelle de la Cour de cassation aboutit à des conclusions similaires.
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L'avocat général, , conclut en effet "à la cassation sans renvoi de l'arrêt attaqué en ce qu'il a été prononcé par une juridiction incompétente". Si la Cour de cassation suit cet avis, ce qui n'est pas certain, les en première instance et en appel qui ont abouti à la condamnation de Total, l'affréteur du pétrolier, de la société de certification Rina, ainsi que de l'armateur et du gestionnaire de l'Erika, seraient purement [url=]jordan pas cher[/url] et simplement annulés.
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