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Posted: Sat 3:58, 02 Nov 2013
Post subject:
Brandon Thomas
Submitted 2013-07-31 21:29:21 Nothing is more thrilling than a fight whether it's in a real life,
on a movie screen, or in a book. But writing one is not nearly as easy as witnessing one. First, you'll need to decide what kind of fight you want to write. There are four options you can choose from:
* hand-to-hand combat
* sword fight
* gun fight
* a fight with supernatural powers
Of course, you could do a mixture of all four as I have, but that
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is also four times more complicated to write.
After you decide what type of fight will be in your book, you need to know how to create action through writing. This
can be done with action-reaction, revealing prose, action verbs, fast pace, and exciting dialogue.
When you understand the methods to show action, you need to do some research to learn how to give details to a fight. This can be achieved by talking to professionals in the art of
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combat and weapon specialists. If you do not have these resources at your disposal, the next best thing is to use the internet for a crash course, or to study books that you can find at the library.
Along those notes, I highly recommend reading fictional
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books with an abundance of action to find out the author's secrets.
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Many fiction crime novels (mysteries, suspense, etc.) have fights of all kinds in them. Once you read them, you'll have a much better grasp on how to write fights. And I can almost guarantee that you will enjoy reading them too.
TIP: Before you begin writing the fight, plan out key moments
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of the fight first. This will make the process of writing the fight much easier!
Once all of your research is done, it's time to write the fight! Picture the fight in your head and write it out the best you can with as much prose as
* Who are the players in the fight?
* What causes the fight to start? (Tell us why the characters are fighting, lead us up to the action.)
* Do they use weapons? (Guns, swords, daggers, fists, supernatural powers? You can also put a
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little creativity into the objects they use on each other.)
* What do
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they do in the fight? (Describe every move, every hit.)
Every movement in a fight is followed by another movement either by the character giving it
(another movement in their attack sequence) or the character receiving it (their reply to the hit with an attack of their own). When one character hits
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another, show the reaction of that hit. Do they stagger, bleed, or fall?
* How does the atmosphere aide or complicate the fight? (Describe their surroundings.)
* Are words exchanged? (Are curses spat at
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each other? Are threats exchanged?)
* Describe the pain the protagonist feels and his/her thoughts.
* Finally, how does it end? (Who wins? Who loses? Describe the physical damage.)
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I find that listening to music rock music really helps when I am writing
fights, and I have written too many to count!
As I said before, writing a fight is not easy, but it can be fun!
Posted: Thu 11:48, 24 Oct 2013
Post subject:
Le fonctionnement du "service garanti", testé mardi dans les transports publics d', est un "beau désaveu" pour
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les partisans d'une loi sur le service minimum en cas de grève,
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estime Gilles de Robien, à l'origine de ce dispositif, dans Le Parisien. Le ministre de l'éducation salue "une belle victoire de ceux qui voulaient l'équilibre entre le droit de grève et la continuité du service public".
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le gouvernement à "écouter l'ensemble des Fran?ais".
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Au lendemain de la journée d'action intersyndicale, qui a vu défiler plus d'un million de manifestants selon les syndicats, "Le président de la République a insisté sur le fait qu'il était absolument indispensable d'écouter l'ensemble des Fran?ais, aussi bien ceux qui avaient manifesté que ceux qui ne l'avaient pas fait, ceux qui avaient fait la grève et ceux qui ne l'avait pas faite", a rapporté Jean-Fran?ois Copé à la sortie du conseil des ministres, mercredi. M. Chirac a aussi "rappelé combien il attachait d'importance à ce que le gouvernement poursuive la mobilisation majeure qui est la sienne (...) pour le message des Fran?ais, en particulier sur les trois sujets qui trouvent leur traduction dans le projet de budget 2006 : l', le d'achat et la préparation de l'avenir", a ajouté le porte-parole du gouvernement. Le chef
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de l'Etat avait auparavant demandé au premier ministre, , de un point "sur les enseignements à de la journée d'action d'hier et sur la SNCM", a-t-il indiqué.
Les socialistes à l'offensive. Dans un entretien au Figaro, met en garde le gouvernement contre le "mécontentement" des Fran?ais qui s'est exprimé, et dénonce un "art de la promesse sans lendemain et de la fausse rupture", inspiré, selon lui, par Jacques Chirac. Le premier secrétaire du dénonce "l'absence de sincérité" du gouvernement "sur tous les sujets", et accuse le premier ministre d'avoir "multiplié les bévues" sur le dossier de la SNCM, où il a selon lui "improvisé à la h?te une solution financière à de son seul carnet d'adresses".
Les syndicats maintiennent la pression. Le secrétaire général de la CFDT, Fran?ois Chérèque, a
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exigé du patronat et du gouvernement des réponses "dans les jours, dans les semaines qui viennent" aux revendications exprimées lors de la journée de mobilisation. Le leader cédétiste souhaite notamment que
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le gouvernement se penche sur les contreparties aux aides publiques accordées aux , qui atteignent "23 milliards d'euros dans le budget 2006", ajoutant : "Nous lui demandons, très précisément, qu'il charge le Conseil d'orientation pour l'emploi", à l'occasion de son installation officielle jeudi, "de réfléchir au lien charges-emploi-salaires". Par ailleurs,
il a rappelé qu'une manifestation de plusieurs branches professionnelles est prévue à Strasbourg le 25 octobre, à l'occasion du débat au Parlement européen sur la "directive Bolkenstein".
Le secrétaire général de la CGT, Bernard Thibault, attend lui aussi des "actes précis","dans les jours qui viennent" . "Dans les branches professionnelles, une mesure d'urgence s'impose : aucun salaire en-dessous du SMIC", déclare-t-il dans une interview à L'Humanité. Concernant les fonctionnaires,"le gouvernement joue la montre mais personne n'est dupe. Dès lors que l'Assemblée nationale va le budget de l'Etat, le cadre des négociations salariales est forcément limité", at-il estimé, avant de suggérer que le gouvernement invite "immédiatement [les syndicats] à une table de discussion pour les sujets à à des négociations". Selon M. Thibault, "le Medef, lui, doit de son fusil d'épaule sur les négociations en cours - pénibilité du travail, emploi des seniors - et celles à , notamment l'assurance ch?mage, et négocier réellement une augmentation des salaires par branche". Comme Fran?ois Chérèque, il pointe "le soutien financier de l'Etat aux entreprises privées" .
Invité sur France
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2, Laurent Fabius a accusé le gouvernement d'être "sourd, aveugle et en plus méprisant"
, et lui a demandé de "répondre au mouvement massif" lancé par les syndicats, notamment en retirant le contrat nouvelles embauches. "Le gouvernement n'écoute rien ni en ce qui concerne le d'achat, ni en ce qui concerne l', ni en ce
qui concerne la ", a-t-il dénoncé. Dans
un entretien au Parisien/Aujourd'hui en France, l'ancien premier ministre socialiste a par ailleurs affirmé que "la mobilisation impressionnante du 4 octobre constituait une vraie motion de censure sociale".
Retour à la normale dans les publics de la majorité des villes. Le trafic a repris dans les aéroports parisiens de Roissy et Orly, avec même la fin, à 6 heures mercredi, de la grève des contr?leurs aériens, qui avait causé l'annulation de plusieurs centaines de vols. La SNCF faisait état d'un "retour progressif" à la normale, hormis la persistance de perturbations sur
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les réseaux de Paris-Nord et sur le trafic régional à Montpellier (sud) et Toulouse (sud-ouest), où le mouvement de grève a été reconduit. A Marseille, la grève des traminots - qui dénoncent un "début de privatisation" avec l'arrivée du groupe Connex - se poursuit, avec moins de 10 % des autobus, et envion 13 % du trafic sur les deux lignes de métro. Les transports publics de la
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Communauté Urbaine du Grand Nancy restent eux aussi perturbés, avec 53 % du trafic assuré, la moitié des conducteurs de bus et trams
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étant en grève.
Posted: Sat 17:51, 12 Oct 2013
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The small town of LEstartit is a seaside resort located on the north eastern coast of Spain in
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the Costa Brava region. You will find
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that the town is placed between the foothills of the Montgrí Massif and the Mediterranean Sea. It is part of the
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borough of Torroella de Montgri which is located in the Baix Empordà County in the Girona province in Catalonia. The town of LEstartit can be seen to stretch from Cala Montgó to the southern tip of Badía de Roses this is called
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the Bay of Roses in English and also to the Ter River estuary in the Badía de Pals the Bay of Pals.
The town of LEstartit can also be found
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extending towards the hills of Torre Moratxa and Roca Maura. Off the coast of LEstartit you will see the Illes Medes archipelago. This place is a well known diving paradise that is made up from the various uninhabited islands in the region. The entire area is under
the protection of the National Park Status. Here you will find there is a wide range of animals that live in this protected sanctuary. The animals which live here can be found both on the numerous uninhabited islands as well as under the waterline.
The resort of LEstartit is about 60 kilometers south of the French border. The nearest airport at Gerona can be found about 40 kilometers from the town. Many of the visitors to
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this resort first fly to Barcelona Airport which is located about 150 kilometers to the south of LEstartit. This is due to the ability of the Barcelona Airports being better equipped to handle the many people who wish to come to LEstartit via various international flights.
When you arrive in LEstartit you will find that it is a resort which has everything that you will
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need to make your vacation perfect. In addition to the lovely weather and marvelous climate you will
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ale you will find there are numerous Irish and English pubs which
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serve many well recognized beers and other alcoholic beverages. From the cuisine point of view you will find there are many delicious Catalan dishes that you can try. While you are in LEstartit you should try some of the local seafood specialties as well. These dishes will allow you to savor the taste of authentic LEstartit food.
For those of you who are looking for other sporting and recreational activities which dont revolve around beach lounging then you will have activities like golf, tennis, sailing, boat excursions, horse riding and cycling to do. You could also explore the resort of LEstartit and its surrounding countryside via the many sandy paths which cross the
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river plain of the Rio Ter.
short if you are looking for a holiday destination where you will find something for everyone then you will find that LEstartit is the perfect place to visit. No matter what time of year it is you will be able to enjoy
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Posted: Tue 6:15, 24 Sep 2013
Post subject: barbour What Is A Typical Glucose Range.
Many people need to know what their blood sugar levels are. They may have to watch their blood sugar [url=]barbour[/url] level because they are sick, or they are in training and have to monitor their diet closely in order to be ready for training and exercise. All who are required to fast, for diet or personal reasons, also need to monitor their blood sugar levels so that they do not become unwell during [url=]woolrich outlet[/url] their fasting period.
An normal person's blood sugar level will fluctuate throughout the day. The causes of the fluctuations are related to durations between eating, the content of each meal and the activities that the person does each day. Stating what is the regualr blood sugar level is difficult because it is different for everyone and even one person's blood sugar range may fluctuate each day. However, a cautious practicioner could [url=]barbour paris[/url] say that the best range for sugar in the blood is somewhere close to 120 milligrams per deciliter. However, many persons will have a typical range somewhere below or close to that.
The level of glucose in a person's blood will rise after a meal and fall as they go without eating. Usually, an average blood glucose reading post-prandial will go to a level of 140 mg/dl. The rate at which glucose levels increase depends [url=]moncler outlet[/url] on the make [url=]ugg pas cher[/url] up of the meal. The rate of the fall of blood glucose levels is usually constant for a person with no illnesses. However, a diabetic often endures erratic declines in glucose levels.
Someone who is fasting for a period of eight to eleven hours should maintain a blood sugar reading of around 90 mg/dl. If they have a higher level at the end of that fast, then doctors may become concerned about the person's ability to control their blood glucose levels. The same is [url=]hollister france[/url] true for a person whose [url=]tiffany[/url] blood glucose level plummets rapidly after a short time of not eating. These results are often signs of diabetes.
Surely a clearer way to view the subject is [url=]jordan pas cher[/url] to talk about the known extremes. While the blood [url=]giuseppe zanotti sneakers[/url] glucose levels of typical people may fluctuate considerably, there are highs [url=]doudoune moncler homme[/url] and lows which doctors can identify as troubling. There are also indeed verifiable symptoms which attend these fluctuations.
DecreasedAbnormal blood glucose levels are diagnosed when the person's blood glucose level suggest that they only have around 60 to 80 mg/dl in their blood. This low concentration can cause people to tremble, feel clammy and lose energy. If the blood sugar level decreases much below this, then conditions may get worse and the person could go into shock or even enter a coma.
High sugar levels happen when the blood glucose reading moves higher than the 170 mg/dl level. The symptoms are not immediately as severe [url=]peuterey outlet[/url] for the individual, but the long-term effects include damage to [url=]hollister sale[/url] organs such as the heart, and kidneys. Blood glucose levels that are either extreme or suboptimal should be considered directly.
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